“La Llave, La Clave” is a feature length documentary currently in production. The film chronicles the life and musical experiences of Roberto Borrell, acclaimed Cuban musician, dancer, and teacher. It follows Roberto’s return to Cuba to participate in Carnaval, the event that sparked his life-long passion for music and dance, but that he has not participated in for 30 years.
The filmmakers provide an authentic, inside view of Cuban culture incorporating interviews with and performances by artists who have not only influenced Roberto’s life but also inspired current generations to keep the old traditions alive. Among these are Felix Chappottiín’s grandson, Jesus Chappottiín, and Adonis “El Panter” Calderón.
The viewer shares Roberto’s emotional journey as he untangles the history of the Clave, the rhythmic backbone of Cuban music. The “Llave” (the key) to the
Excerpts from “La Llave, La Clave“ from Claudia Finkle on Vimeo.
This segment was shot at the home of Amado de Jesús Dédeu, founder of “Clave y Guaganco” in Havana. It features Adonis Calderon who went on to become very famous for his group “Osain del Monte.”
Producers: Claudia Finkle and Roberto Borrell
Director: Claudia Finkle
Academic consultant: Ivor Miller, Ph.D
Contributing Cinematographers:
Contributing sound:
Claudia Finkle, ACE